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I have spelling mistakes!

Yeah, there are spelling mistakes in the comics, so what? I'm pulling a "Shakespeare". I make up my own words and hope they catch on.

FYI is updated once every week through Friday till the following Sunday!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Monday, December 5, 2011

Name change!

I've changed my name on this website from 'SS Creator' to '~Nimrod♪' (only cool people will get it). I like the new name the best. And with a new name comes a new signature on the comics. On the one I wrote previously with have the old name, but the ones I write from now on will have the new name on it. Got it? G-e-w-d. That's 'Good'.

Shark Problems

I've been watching a lot of Dougie Howser lately. Also, Monday is the new Saturday!